At Walkin’ Around, we believe that comfortable shoes should never be a luxury. We offer a wide range of brands and styles to cater to diverse preferences and requirements. Our knowledgeable and friendly team is always ready to provide personalized recommendations based on your unique needs.

We understand that finding the perfect fit is crucial, which is why we prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the moment of purchase. We are dedicated to building long-lasting relationships with our customers, ensuring that their feet are always taken care of.

We're more than just a shoe store; we're a trusted destination for our community. We take pride in offering expert advice and guidance to our customers, helping them find the right fit that meets their unique needs. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we strive to build long-lasting relationships with everyone who walks through our doors.

As a local business, we deeply value our community's support. By choosing to shop with us, you're not only investing in comfortable footwear but also in the success and growth of our neighborhood. We believe in giving back and actively participate in community events and initiatives, because we know that a strong community is built on mutual support and collaboration.

Whether you're walking, running, working, or simply enjoying life, we're here to make sure you do it in comfort and style.

Walkin' Around has become a familiar name for Airdrie residents when it comes to finding high-quality and comfortable footwear. But little did people know that it all began in 2008 when Vivian first stepped foot in the old Walkin' Around location. From day one, she fell in love with the joy of helping people find comfortable footwear. It was more than just a job; it was a passion that drove her to make a difference in people's lives.

As time went on, Vivian's dedication and commitment to her customers shone through. She developed a deep understanding of the importance of comfortable shoes and how they can positively impact one's overall well-being. Her expertise and genuine care made her an invaluable resource for anyone seeking the perfect fit.

In 2019, an exciting opportunity came knocking at Vivian's door—the chance to purchase the store and take it to new heights. Despite a few bumps along the way, including the need to move to a new location within Airdrie, Vivian embraced the challenge with unwavering determination.

Since then, Walkin Around has been thriving under Vivian's stewardship. The store has become a trusted destination for individuals seeking quality footwear and exceptional service. Whether you're dealing with foot pain, searching for the right shoes for a specific activity, or simply looking for stylish and comfortable options, Walkin Around is here to meet your needs.

How it began…